A time to celebrate!

This month here at The Menstrual Money Coach, I am taking time to celebrate! August marks one year since I made the decision to lean into the idea of helping women not only gain control of their money, but also embracing their menstrual cycle as their superpower.

At the time, it felt like a big scary decision. I had a full financial coaching practice and adored all of my clients. I questioned, is there a market for this? Is this to niche and unique to be viable? Will women, and those who love them, be willing to open up about not only one but TWO very private issues? One year later, I’m thrilled to report, that not only are they willing to talk about it… they are so relieved to finally feel heard.

Relieved to know, it’s not all in their head. They are not simply ‘bad with money’, that they can and are able to make sustainable changes. That being in synch and in flow feels more peaceful, centered. I have had women weep and tell me that they are so happy that the women coming up behind them are willing to talk about their cycle… because they had no one… and it felt lonely.

I have also received emails and messages on social media from women who have told me that what I am doing is gross, yucky and taboo for good reason. I should keep it that way and uphold the taboo.

When has upholding a taboo ever worked out well for women?

I am here one year later to tell anyone who will listen… I am no longer upholding the taboo! We need, more than ever perhaps, to have an intimate understanding of our cycle, it is our fifth vital sign after all! I will also not stop empowering women with their money… because empowered women empower other women, and a community of empowered women is one I want to be a part of. When women are fully supported in their health and wealth, they have the potential to not only transform the their life, but the lives of those around them.

It has been a beautiful year, and I look forward to many more years of service.

In gratitude,

xoxo Cath


Want a healthy relationship with money? Then stop following Dave Ramsey’s advice.


Money and Mindfulness