Meet Cathy
Hey! I’m Cathy
Financial Coach to women and those who love them!

My story
My journey to becoming a financial coach started several years ago as my husband and I began the process of gaining control of our own finances. We were fighting terribly over money frequently, there never seemed to be enough and we saw no end in sight. We were tens of thousands of dollars in debt and winging it every single pay period. I was looking for a Hail Mary and was initially met with resistance from my husband.
"It's not rocket science Cath, we have to spend less than we earn."
Yes, of course. We both KNEW that, but neither one of us was DOING it. Knowing and doing are not the same. With our marriage at the most difficult place it had ever been, we got some help. That single decision changed our lives. When we started our financial journey, we still had $20,000 worth of consumer debt. Within18 months, we were debt free and had a fully funded emergency fund. We were also in a much better place in our marriage and the thought, 'what if something happens to him?' was no longer keeping me up at night.
My story doesn't end there, however. Despite making significant progress financially, I still found myself experiencing wild ups and downs, leaving me exhausted and unable to cope or manage, every single month. It took far too long for me to realize that it was my cycle that was having a major impact in my life. Even with all of the tools I now had, I still would struggle with spending and looking at a budget during my pre-menstrual phase. Balance a budget? I might as well be looking at Greek letters! My ADD is in overdrive and I become easily overwhelmed, which leads to a shut down... or complete hormonal rage which left me feeling like a horrible mother, wife and not someone I was proud of.
This has been an incredible insight for me and leaning into the superpower of my cycle has been nearly as life changing as getting our finances under control...and I'm quite happy to report that I no longer have hormonal rages :)
This is not just for the menstruators.. hint hint… our partners often recognize the imbalance in our cycle before we do! If you are coupled up, what would it mean to you to not have to walk on egg shells several days each month? Or know how to better support your partner? Looking at the impact our cycle has on our money is especially important because studies have shown that impulse spending increases during the pre-menstrual phase of one's cycle and then the feeling of regret often follows. The good news? Your life doesn't have to be this way! You can balance your hormones, lean into your cycle and reach the goals you have for yourself and family.